Sunday, May 22, 2011

tae ho's story~

an inspirational story of a very courage and independent kids named tae ho..tae ho is korean kids, he's so heartwarming and totally incredible..this is a real life story that is full of love, patient, struggle, tears, pain, sincerity and positivity...for those who wants to understand..u will find the true meaning of gratitude...

yes..tae ho is armless kids since he was born..he's struggle for his life..and he try to do everything by himself..dan menganggap kecatatan itu bukan ape2..dia belajar hidup seperti orang yang normal..he still has his leg..and its everything for tea ho..berat mata memandang..entah bagaimana bahu yang memikul..tapi saya sungguh2 terharu dgn kesabaran budak tae ho ni..makan pakai..semua diurus sendiri..i was informed that he has no parents..and stayed at orphanage house...dan inilah cerita sedih yang benar2 wujud...lebih sedih dari nur kasih kut..don't ask me how many time my tears drop..its happened almost every time i watched this video..true..he teach us a meaning of life! indeed he is happy young and laugh for almost everytime..he never show the true pain he suffer..he face this world with true courage! u see there's another boy dlm video kat atas..they are a best friend made in heaven...tea ho can swim, brush his teeth, eat, go to school just like another normal child regardless his disability..and he seem a smart kid also! u should know how much i adore you tea ho!

yeah..then come this epic love story ever saw in my entire life..again its better than nur kasih..kenape nk je saya compare2 ngn nur kasih ni..tah la..seem all malaysian nowadays semua nye dh terkena demam nur kasih...hehehe..but this love story is between Tae ho and Ingee..tae ho ada girlfriend tau!!!sebanyak mana saya kagum dgn tae ho..sebanyak itu lah kekaguman saya terhadap Ingee..oh..ingeee sungguh cantikk..sgt cantikkk!!tgk lama2 pun tak puas...she is normal girl with a very beautiful heart..from her eyes u can see how much she care about tea ho...ouchh...they are very sweet!!

"tae ho does everything by himself, but when he's with Ingee, he let her help him"

ingee keep asking tea ho.."who are you going to marry'?
then a reporter ask:-
Ingee aa..who are you going to marry?
Ingee reply:-
me??tae ho!
( please take note ingee face,there is sincerity showed)
then tae ho added:-
she wants to marry me without any reason..

ouch..sungguh terharu!!!
then..i wonder, how will the world change them in they are kid..and kid always sincere with their feeling..and nothing serius in kids business..but we know..time will change..situation will change..both of them will grow...will their love last forever??

The love and care that Ingee show for tea the way everyone should! She saw tea ho as a person regardless his disability and appearance..when the heart do the talk..we never goes wrong...we can see the beautiful and colorfulness of the world that Allah created.

"Al-Mukminun [78] Dan Dialah jua yang mengadakan bagi kamu pendengaran dan penglihatan serta hati untuk kamu bersyukur; tetapi amatlah sedikit kamu bersyukur."

berape ramai antara kita yang dilahirkan sempurna..akal fikiran,cukup angota dan sifat dan masih mengeluh dengan hidup ini..ramai!!ramai antara kita setiap hari mengeluh dengan kehidupan yang kita lalui..dan kita seringkali dan tiap kali terlupa..kita telah diberikan nikmat tapi kita masih tidak bersyukur! kerja tak best la..duit tak cukup la..putus cinta la..sakit kepala la..panas la..sejuk la..bnyak sungguh pekara remeh yang kita keluhkan...again..tolong jadikan Tea ho sebagai contoh dan tauladan..dan jadilah kita orang-orang yang bersyukur..bukan org yang berputus asa dan mencabut nyawa sendiri kerana tidak tahan dengaan kesusahan duniawi!!

from surah Ar-Rahman:-
Maka yang mana satu di antara nikmat-nikmat Tuhan kamu, yang kamu hendak dustakan (wahai umat manusia dan jin)?
Thursday, May 5, 2011


"saya yakin bahawa setiap rezeki datang dengan kehendak Allah"

many of us can easily say or tell this word..but how many of us have a trust of this word??mudah untuk berkata2 tapi susah dibuat pegangan..selagi rezeki itu tidak datang2..selagi itulah kita tertanya, berharap tapi tidak berkeyakinan dengan kehendakNya..sedikit antara kita yang redha dan tawakal..contohnya perihal duit..kita sangat susah jika xde duit...tapi kita katakan pada diri..Insyallah, Allah akan turunkan rezeki pada aku..tapi dalam kita berkata-kata..kita sebenarnya ragu dengan kata2 kita sendiri.. tidak dgn sepenuh hati kita percaya dan redha..bila ditakdirkan Allah kita tidak memberi rezeki..mulalah kita merasakan Allah tidak mendengar doa kita..Allah tidak membantu..dan kerana perasaan ini..maka semakin pudarlah percaya kita pada kehendak Allah..dan mulalah hati2 yang rapuh bertindak tidak mengunakan akal..mecari jalan singkat untuk mendapatkan duit..itu baru contoh duit,banyak lagi jenis rezeki pemberian Allah, kerjaya, keluarga,kasih sayang,jodoh,anak, kesihatan dan etc etc etc..rezeki itu takdir...ia datang dengan kehendak every story have two as takdir..ia mungkin ada dan mungkin tiada..jika kita benar2 percaya dengan kata-kata diatas..kita juga kena percaya...Allah yang memberi rezeki dan dia juga berhak untuk tidak memberi rezeki..segalanya dalam ketentuan takdir Allah..bekalan kita hanya hati yg redha..siapa kita di tangan takdir?

note: for own self reflection..diri yang semakin lupa..
Sunday, May 1, 2011

Oh mY Hector!

I always heart troy!!Always!! An adaptation of Homer's great epic, the film follows the assault on Troy by the united Greek forces and chronicles the fates of the men involved.That what i got from IMDb..Troy is base on true story.. its was one of the greatest war ever!!Terima kasih kepada incik Woflgang Peterson diatas niat murgni beliau bikin ini filim dan juga kerana telah memilih my Big crushed ever to star in this film..tak lain dan tak bukan Mr. Eric Bana..clap..clap..clap..

see see..sungguh menawan dan perkasa!!Hector a prince of troy!!

Eric Bana pegang watak as a hector, an older prince of troy and he has a younger brother named Paris..Orlando Bloom yg tanpa segan silu pegang watak Paris yang manja tu!!

Paris: Do you love me, brother? Will you protect me from any enemy?
Hector: Last time you spoke to me like this, you were 10 years old and you'd just stolen Father's horse. What have you done now?

Hector adalah abang yang sangat penyayang and very protective !!mind that ok!!:D..Seorang Pahlawan yang disegani oleh rakyat dan lawan! Actually, i felt in love with hector not eric person eric bana still hot!!and Hector always all my time crush!!

Sesungguhnye berduka lah saya menonton troy tatkala Hector yang charm itu dibunuh kejam oleh Achilles si prince Greek yang buta hati dan perasaan tu..menonong je ko bunuh hector ye..Kejam Kejam kejam...

Saat Kekasih Hati Dibunuh Kejam!!!

Hector: I've seen this moment in my dreams. I'll make a pact with you. With the gods as our witnesses, let us pledge that the winner will allow the loser all the proper funeral rituals.
Achilles: There are no pacts between lions and men.
[stabs spear into ground, and takes off helmet, throwing it to the side]
Achilles: Now you know who you're fighting.
Hector: [takes off helmet and throws it aside] I thought it was you I was fighting yesterday. And I wish it had been, but I gave the dead boy the honor he deserved.
Achilles: You gave him the honor of your sword. You won't have eyes tonight; you won't have ears or a tongue. You will wander the underworld blind, deaf, and dumb, and all the dead will know: This is Hector. The fool who thought he killed Achilles.

Hector ngan baik ati mintak his last wish from Achilles, satu je dia nak..klu dia mati, dia nk proper funeral rituals..yelah dia kan pahlawan!!klu pahlawan musuh mati pun..dia bagi peluang kat musuh tuk tanam mayat tu leklok..tapi..tapi..Achilles denied his request..boleh ko seret balak aku ngan kuda!!mmg sah hati kering si Achilles ni!!Hate you!!

Hector: If I die...
Andromache: No...
Hector: If I die I don't know how much longer Troy will stand.

See..see..that why today,if u google kat internet..Troy ni diklasifikasikan as a LosT KingdoM..kota yang hilang...troy mana wujud lagi..perdaban troy dah lama mati..klu hector tak mati kena bunuh ngan Achilles..mungkin nasib troy berbeza..coz Hector yang gagah perkasa ada nak pertahankan troy..apa ko dah buat ni Achilles!

Ouch..forgot to mention watak Achilles ni dilakon oleh Brad Pitt..whose said Brad Pitt is damn hot..he's not..he killed my HECTOR!!chet..!!


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